Drew finds ongoing work with support from genU Employment Pathways
Geelong’s Drew Semmens says genU Employment Pathways helped him find a new job in a new town.
Drew grew up in Cobden, before moving to Geelong to pursue his passions in athletics and Australian rules football commentary. He realised he needed help in finding suitable employment, and with assistance from genU Employment Pathways, Drew soon landed a job with printing equipment supplier Viatek in Fyans Street.
“I needed something to do during the week so genU came along and helped me out, they got me a job at Viatek and it started from there,” Drew said.
Drew linked up with genU Employment Pathways in 2018 and began fine-tuning his resume, working on interview practice and canvassing local employment opportunities. Employment Pathways Coordinator Dave Murray worked alongside Viatek to build a role that suited Drew’s specific skills. Dave and the employer worked closely to ensure the company was well equipped to support Drew in the workplace.
Drew’s roles and tasks at Viatek have changed over time, as his skills and confidence grew.
“I do a few different things there as a technician, a bit of computer work, installs and a lot of travel too – it can be challenging but I love it, it’s been really good,” he said.
Drew said building a local support network which included genU, his family and his new employer Viatek, gave him increased confidence to build his employability skills.
“I think it’s really important to have that support from all those areas,” he said.
“There’s a lot of people who taught me about what I needed to do – I wouldn’t be in this position if it wasn’t for them.”
Employment Pathways is suitable for people of any working age who have an employment-related goal. genU matches clients with skilled coordinators who guide them through their employment journey, providing assistance and mentoring to achieve their goals.
Drew said employment support was there for people who needed a helping hand.
“Just keep at it, get that support if you need it, and stay focused on the goals you want to achieve,” he said.
For more information about genU Employment Pathways, call 1300 558 368 or email contact@genu.org.au