Flinders University House in Tarneit

Flinders University accommodation project

genU supports Flinders University accommodation project for older people

genU has committed funding to a research project which aims to improve the transition into supported accommodation for older people with disability.

The Flinders University project, led by Associate Professor Ruth Walker, will generate a national evidence-based framework for ensuring successful post-parental housing and care transitions. The work includes identifying difficulties experienced by individuals and families during transition from the family home into supported accommodation, including impact on the person’s lifestyle and routine.

Caring Futures Institute research published in 2019 found that specific planning for the future care of adults with intellectual disability after the death of their parents is lacking. 

genU Executive General Manager Ability and Aged Natasha Williams said this important project will help address a growing need to establish accommodation pathways for people with disability as they get older.

“We are excited to assist Flinders University with funding for this project, which will address the post parental future housing transition needs of adults with intellectual disability and their older families,” Natasha said.

genU has committed an in-principal amount over the three years of the project, in addition to in-kind support over the life of the project.