genU extends disability services into Tasmania
genU is currently working with Anglicare Tasmania to transition some of their NDIS-funded disability services to genU.
This follows Anglicare Tasmania’s decision to reduce its delivery of NDIS Support Coordination and most of its NDIS Community and Supported Independent Living services.
“We are working collaboratively with Anglicare Tasmania to provide the opportunity for affected clients and staff to transfer to genU to enable continuity of supports,” says Clare Amies, genU CEO.
“genU welcomes this opportunity to play an active role in Tasmanian communities, providing the high-quality disability services and supports that we’re known for.
“Last financial year alone we provided 1.2 million hours of disability service and we’re pleased to be able to extend our services to support more people.
“With a 70-year history in disability services we bring a wealth of expertise and a passion for empowering the people we support and building inclusive communities,” said Amies.
genU has been open about intentions to extend their disability services into Tasmania and are also in active discussions to unite operations with Li-Ve Tasmania.
Anglicare Tasmania has 420 clients affected by this change. Those clients and staff who choose to join genU will be transitioned across by the end of March.
This will enable Anglicare to focus on and strengthen its work as a quality provider of Motor Accidents Insurance Board (MAIB) services, Aged Care, Housing and Community Services in Tasmania.