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genU suspects fraudulent activity

genU has advised Victoria Police of suspected fraud targeting genU’s finances.

genU chief executive officer Clare Amies said the matter was referred to police following an initial internal investigation triggered by suspicious activity.

“I want to assure our many clients, their families and carers that this activity does not in any way involve or compromise our services or service delivery, NDIS payments, or personal information.”

Ms Amies said the discovery and any subsequent police investigation would not affect genU’s services.

“We remain as committed to our clients, staff and partners as we have ever been, and this will not in any way impact our ongoing day-to-day service delivery or disadvantage clients.”

Victoria Police will work to determine the time frame of the alleged offending, which genU says is historical, as well as the significance of the amount involved.

“Following our own investigations, I have informed relevant Federal and State government agencies and referred the matter to Victoria Police.

“genU stands ready to assist police in whatever capacity we can to aid their inquiries.”

Ms Amies said she was sorry this situation had occurred.

“While no organisation likes dealing with such scenarios, it gives me heart that genU does so knowing we have at our core great people who turn up every single day for the sole purpose of making the lives of our clients better,” she said.