The Latest News from genU

Future rosy for our former head office at Riverview Terrace

Exciting times ahead for our former head office, with Riverview Terrace set for a makeover under a new owner, and our programs moving to other locations in the Geelong community.

Shared values foster positive social impact

A partnership with genU has enabled Pholklore restaurant to provide work opportunities for people with disability while streamlining their kitchen operations.

Notice of change of auditor

genU has appointed PKF Melbourne Audit & Assurance Pty Ltd as its new auditor following a competitive tender process.

Jolena’s volunteer role enriches the lives of others

Jolena has found meaning and purpose supporting seniors in the Barwon region alongside her busy career working with vulnerable youth. As a dedicated Home Visitor volunteer, she brings warmth and compassion to enrich the lives of others.

Bree advocates for aged care packages that help people stay at home

Bree has a driving passion to make a difference in the lives of older people that inspires her work. She says she has found the perfect job, as a Home Care Package Case Manager with genU.

Geelong restaurant finds an edge with genU

A professional collaboration with genU Business Enterprises has helped accomplished Head Chef, Stewart, save time in his busy kitchen at Edge Geelong.

Mary stays in house she loves with Home Care Package services

At 95, fiercely independent Mary is one of the growing number of older Australians who rely on government-funded aged care packages to stay living in and enjoying the familiar creature comforts of their own home.

New job at Bulla opens doors for Kylie

Supported employment has been a stepping stone to open employment at Bulla for Kylie, who lives with disability and is in her 50’s. She, recently landed her first job in open employment at Bulla.

artX Regional 2024 winners celebrated

Hannah Wilkinson from the ArtGusto studio is the winner of genU’s artX Regional 2024 art award. Hannah's artwork was a standout from the broad palette of 86 artists who entered.

Driving change through volunteering

Greg is helping locals in his community find independence in their senior years through his volunteer work with genU. He recently reached a four-year milestone volunteering as a Transport Driver with the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP).