Mackenzie Crane, genU Behaviour Support Practitioner sits at table

Q&A with Mackenzie Crane, genU Behaviour Support Practitioner

Q&A with Mackenzie Crane, genU Behaviour Support Practitioner

Mackenzie Crane is a Behaviour Support Practitioner in genU’s allied health team. In her highly rewarding role she advocates for genu NDIS disability services clients, identifying ways to improve their quality of life.

Q&A with Ashleigh Feehan, genU Occupational Therapist

Ashleigh Feehan is passionate about the power of Occupational Therapy to improve the lives of people with disability. She loves working with clients to discover what’s important to them and helping them to achieve their goals.

Q & A with Nathan, genU Allied Health Assistant

Meet genU Allied Health Assistant Nathan Tucker. He is funnelling his passion for sports and exercise into helping seniors stay healthy and happy.