Shaun sits at the wheel of a ride on mower smiling for the camera with his hand on the steering wheel. In the background are the gardens of Barwarre Gardens Retirement Village.

genU provides employment pathway for budding Lara gardener

genU provides employment pathway for budding Lara gardener

Lara resident and NDIS participant Shaun is rightfully proud of completing a Certificate II in Horticulture. He studied for 18 months and got on-the-job training at Barwarre Gardens Retirement Village, with support from genU’s Employment Pathways team.

Growing food and employment skills at Werribee Park

genU program participants are growing food for people in need while building skills. Thirty people with disability have been gaining horticulture experience at Werribee Park as part of their employment supports, the result of a genU partnership with Parks Victoria.