Gen U building

genU Policies & Guides

At genU, one of our cornerstone values is integrity.

We’re committed to earning the trust of our clients, their families and others within the genU community by always adhering to our values.

The following policies and statements are an important part of this commitment.

genU, and its related entities (“we”, “our”, “us”) recognise the importance of protecting the right to privacy of the individuals with whom we engage (“you, your”).

The Commonwealth Privacy Act (“Act”), Victorian Health Records Act and other laws and contractual obligations limit how your personal information can be collected, used and disclosed. Under the Acts, “personal information” is any information or opinion that can identify you.

This document is our Privacy Policy and it tells you how we collect and manage your personal information.

What personal information do we collect and hold?

We only collect personal information that is reasonably necessary to conduct our functions and activities.

Our functions and activities include disability, mental health, aged care, education and training, accommodation support, employment services, retirement village services, fund raising events and corporate operations.

We collect personal information from our clients and their families or guardians, suppliers and contractors, members, employees, volunteers and other contributors to the organisation.

The types of personal information we collect may include:

  • health information
  • names
  • mailing and street addresses
  • email addresses, telephone numbers, social media and other telecommunications identifiers
  • age and birth date
  • lifestyle factors such as cultural background and individual life goals and plans
  • sensitive information
  • banking details
  • profession, occupation or job title
  • internet cookies about your experience with our website or intranet.

How do we collect your personal information?

You may choose not to identify yourself when you engage with us but, generally, you will need to provide your personal information where you wish to be involved in our functions or activities.

When we collect your personal information, we will take reasonable steps to tell you why the information is collected, where it is stored, to whom it is usually disclosed and any law requiring the collection.

We may collect personal information from you:

  • during conversations with you about our functions and activities
  • when you apply for, or engage in, one of our functions or activities
  • through your access to, and use of, our Web site or intranet.

Unless it is unreasonable or impracticable to do so, we will collect your personal information directly from you and seek your consent to use and disclose it for a primary purpose.

Where it is unreasonable or impracticable to obtain your consent, we may collect your personal information from someone else such as:

  • a responsible person such as your family member, a carer or guardian
  • other organisations, government agencies or law enforcement bodies that we engage with regarding our functions and activities in relation to you.

If we receive your personal information from someone else without asking for it, and:

  • we could not have collected the personal information ourselves or it is contained in a Commonwealth record, we will (if lawful) destroy it or ensure that it is de-identified
  • we could have collected the personal information ourselves, we will handle it as though we had collected it in accordance with this Policy.

We may also collect your personal information without your consent in other cases such as where:

  • we think it is necessary to lessen or prevent a serious threat to a person’s life, health or safety
  • we suspect that unlawful activity or serious misconduct has occurred in relation to our functions or activities
  • we think it is necessary for legal proceedings in a court or tribunal or a confidential alternative dispute process such as mediation.

How do we collect sensitive information?

“Sensitive information” is a special type of personal information which includes racial and ethnic information, religious beliefs, sexual orientation or practices and health information.

Health information includes information or an opinion about your:

  • mental health
  • disabilities
  • health preferences and use of health services
  • genetics and biometric information.

In general, we will not collect your sensitive information unless you have consented and the information is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, our functions or activities or the collection is required by law.

How will we use and disclose your personal information?

We will only use or disclose your personal information for our functions or activities, including sending you information about those things. We will only share your information with your consent, or if required to by law. We will not share, sell, rent, use or disclose your personal information other than as described in this Policy.

How can you access and correct your personal information?

You may access your personal information held by us on request. However, if one of the grounds allowed under the Act for refusing access exists, we may not allow access.

Where we provide you with services under a contract with a government department or agency, you may also be able to request information via a Freedom of Information request made directly to that government department.

If you advise us that personal information we hold about you is incorrect, incomplete, inaccurate or irrelevant, we will amend it unless one of the grounds for refusal allowed under the Act exists.

Data Security and Protection

genU takes your privacy seriously and actively take measures to protect the personal information we hold from misuse, loss and unauthorised access, modification, or disclosure.  

genU enforces security controls which restrict access to the data we hold, to genU authorised personnel only. Internal and external audits are regularly conducted to ensure we adhere to our privacy and security obligations. genU conforms to the requirement of Information Security Management System ISO/IEC 27001:2013 to manage personal information and data safely and securely.

Privacy Complaints

Privacy concerns or complaints will be investigated by the Privacy Officer. If you are not satisfied with our response, you are also entitled to contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner or a related Government body. Full information for the Government bodies is available on the genU | Complaints, Feedback & Compliments page.

Contact details:
Ph: 1300 558 368
Address: PO Box 558 Belmont Vic 3216
Website: genU | Complaints, Feedback & Compliments

genU provides the quality and diversity of services and supports that enables our clients and consumers to overcome barriers and thrive in their communities. We operate throughout Australia with over 3000 staff and 400 volunteers.

We welcome diversity, including diversity of race, culture, spirituality, gender, age, identity, ability, and sexuality. We are committed to providing a welcoming, innovative, safe, empowering, and respectful environment for all and living these values each and every day.

Our commitment to the highest standards and to our values helps us employ great people, deliver great services and attract loyal clients. Trust and mutual respect among our workers are the foundation of our success, and they are something we need to earn every day.

The code covers a variety of topics which help equip you with the information necessary to make the right decisions and to ensure that everything you do reflects our values. When we take the time to do what is right, we act with integrity and build respectful relationships, making the organisation and our reputation stronger.

genU Code of Conduct

The genU Whistleblower Hotline is an independent service run by STOPline. You can contact (anonymously if you wish) STOPline to report suspected incidences of fraud or misconduct.

STOPline is an Australian company which specialises in providing integrity through whistleblowing services. It has been operating for over a decade and assists listed and private companies; local, state and Commonwealth public sector bodies and not-for-profit organisations. Further details are available at

Download the policy (75KB)

genU remains steadfast in our commitment to combat modern slavery and human trafficking. This Modern Slavery Statement reflects our ongoing efforts and dedication to transparency, ethics, and social responsibility. Through meticulous process review and reform, we will continue to work diligently to ensure that our operations and supply chains are free from any form of modern slavery.

Download our Modern Slavery Statement 2023.

KSL’s goal is to have everyone embrace our corporate commitment to Information Security, Quality and Continuous Improvement, to understand your role, how you can contribute and embrace your own individual commitment.  In line with this policy, KSL is committed to achieving certification to the ISO27001:2013 standard and compliance to the Australian Government Information Security Manual.

Download our statement (134KB)

Karingal St Laurence Limited (KSL) is committed to ethical, sustainable, and socially responsible procurement and we expect our suppliers to hold the same level of commitment. KSL considers that our suppliers are its strategic partners in delivering the care and services that KSL provides. This Supplier Code of Conduct (SCoC) describes the obligations of suppliers engaged by KSL relating to integrity, ethics and conduct; conflicts of interest, gifts, benefits and hospitality; confidentiality and privacy; information security; corporate governance; labour and human rights; health and safety; and environmental management. KSL expects all suppliers to be aware of their obligations under the SCoC and ensure that areas of their business and supply chain meet the standards of the SCoC.

Download our statement (181KB)

Download our declaration (135KB)

KSL has agreed to engage suppliers to provide the Goods and/or Services based on the terms and conditions set out in the KSL Supply of Goods and Services T&Cs, and as such the successful supplier has represented that it is experienced in the supply of such Goods and/or Services to KSL.

Download our statement (243KB)

genU is committed to providing a safe, culturally sensitive environment for children and young people to pursue their goals and to participate in programs and activities which advance their learning. This commitment extends to the cultural safety of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people.