Gen U Offices

Complaints, Feedback & Compliments

Complaints, Feedback & Compliments

genU welcomes complaints and is committed to making sure people feel safe and confident to tell us their concerns. We want outcomes and resolutions that make both your experience and our services the best they can be.

We want you to feel supported to make a complaint, without worrying that it might affect how genU cares for you.

Using an advocate to help you submit your complaints and appeals is welcomed, and genU can provide you information on who you can speak to if an advocate might be needed.

Any positive feedback or compliments will be recorded and sent to the team or person that it is about.

We’d be grateful if you could identify whether your feedback relates to someone under 18. This will ensure we take into account any additional child safety considerations when undertaking our investigation.  If you would like to discuss this further, please contact us on 1300 558 368 or email

Privacy When Making a Complaint

You can make a complaint without including your personal details if you don’t want genU to know who you are.

Please note, if you make a complaint and do not include your personal details, we will not be able to let you know of the progress, or outcome.

genU must follow all Australian Privacy Laws. If you make a complaint, we will protect the privacy of every person involved.

Complaint information is kept secure, with strict rules on how, when and by who information can be used and accessed at genU, or given to an outside company or person.

genU is committed to respecting your privacy and confidentiality. Read our Privacy Policy.

How We Handle Complaints

We aim to address and resolve complaints quickly and fairly.

  • All complaints will be acknowledged.
  • Complaints made in writing will be acknowledged within 3 working days.
  • genU aims to seek resolution of all complaints within a timely manner and by the timeframes given in your Funding and Service Agreement with us.
  • Unless otherwise stated in Laws or Funding and Service Agreements, genU aims to seek resolution within 30 calendar days.
  • If complaints take longer than 60 calendar days to resolve, genU will tell you the reasons for this.
  • You will be kept up to date in both progress and outcomes.

You may complain or appeal to alternative bodies if you want to, or if you are dissatisfied with the way your complaint has been managed or are not satisfied with the proposed resolution.

A list of Complaints Referral Agencies is below, with contact details.

Lodge a Complaint, send Feedback or a Compliment

You may lodge a complaint, feedback or a compliment in three ways:

  • Call us on the phone on 1300 558 368
  • Send an email to
  • Fill in and submit the form below
  • A genU customer service representative will get back to you within two business days.
  • Read our Privacy Policy
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Complaints Referral Agencies

Aged Care Quality and Safeguards Commission
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, PO Box 9819, in your capital city.
Call: 1800 951 822
NRS: 1800 555 660
TIS: 131 450 (ask for 1800 200 422)
For: Aged Care Services (Residential and Community)

Commonwealth Ombudsman
PO Box 442, Canberra, ACT, 2601.
Call: 1300 362 072
TIS: 131 450
TTY: 133 677 (code1300 362 072)
NRS: 1800 555 660 (code 1300 362 072)
For: Any federally funded service

CRRS – Complaints Resolution and Referral Service
Mail: PO Box Q687 Queen Victoria Building, NSW, 1230
Call: 1800 880 052
TIS: 13 14 50
NRS: 1800 555 677 (ask for 1800 880 052)
Fax: +61 2 8412 7199
For: Disability Employment Services and Supported Employment Services – Disability

Department of Education and Training
The TAFE and Training line:
131 823 (or 03 9651 4701 if you are outside Victoria)
For: genU Training Services

Department of Education and Training
Barwon Office:  75 High Street Belmont, VIC 3216
Phone: 1300 333 232
Fax: 03 8397 0303
For: genU Pipsqueaks Childcare Centre

Department of Employment & Workplace Relations
Phone: 02 6121 5450 (where you can leave a detailed voicemail message and contact details)
For: Employment Services – Workforce Australia

Department of Social Services
Mail: DSS Feedback, GPO Box 9820, Canberra ACT, 2601
Phone: 1800 634 035
TIS: 131 450
TTY: 133 677 (and ask for 1800 643 035)
Speak and Listen 1300 555 727 (ask for 1300 362 072)
For: Supported Employment – Disability (non NDIS funded) and Disability Employment Services

Disability Services Commissioner
Mail: Level 30, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000
Call: 1800 677 342
Speak and listen: 1800 555 677
National Relay Service (1800 555 677): Ask for (1800 677 342)
TTY: 1300 726 563
Fax: 03 8608 5765
For: DHHS Funded Disability Services and TAC Funded Services

Health Complaints Commissioner
Visit or write: Level 26, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000
Call: 1300 582 113
TIS: 131 450
For: Any clients sharing health records

Job Access
Mail: PO Box 1764, Osborne Park DC, WA 6916
Call & NRS and TTY: 1800 464 800
Fax: 08 9382 9277
For: Employment Services – Disability

Mental Health Complaints Commissioner
Address: Level 26, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000
Call: 1800 246 054 or 03 9032 3328
Fax: 03 9949 1506
NRS: 1800 246 054 (and ask for 1800 246 054)
For: Mental Health Services (not NDIS funded)

NDIS – Quality and Safeguards Commission
Mail: DisabilityCare Australia, GPO Box 700, Canberra ACT 2601
Call: 1800 035 544
NRS: 1800 035 544 (1800 035 544)
TTY: 11800 133 677
For: NDIS funded Disability Services and Supported Employment National Disability Insurance Scheme Funded Services

The Australian National Disability Service Abuse and Neglect Hotline
Mail: PO Box Q687, Queen Victoria Building, NSW, 1230
Call:  1800 880 052
Fax: +61 2 8412 7199
TIS: 13 14 50
NRS: 1800 555 677
For: Disability Services – for reporting concerns of neglect and abuse

Victorian Disability Worker Commission
Address: Level 20, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
Call: 1800 4977 132
TIS: 131 450
For: Complaints or notifications about any disability worker in Victoria

Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria (DSCV)
Address: 4/456 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC
Telephone: 1300 372 888
For: Retirement Village and Housing Services

Consumer Affairs Victoria
Mail: Consumer Affairs Victoria GPO Box 4567
Melbourne, VIC 3001
Phone: 1300 558 181
TIS: 131 450
For: Retirement Village and Housing Services

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC)
Address: GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
For: Privacy related complaints