Two friends smiling

Psychosocial Recovery Coaching

At genU, we support people with a psychosocial disability to have greater choice and control.

Psychosocial Recovery Coaches provide specialist mental health support. A Recovery Coach can support you to manage the complex challenges of day-to-day life and access supports that enable your independence while you’re on your recovery journey.

We’ll ask for your ideas about what recovery means for you and work collaboratively with you to plan the best way forward.

What is psychosocial disability?

Psychosocial disability is a term used to describe a disability that may arise from a mental health condition.

Not everyone who has a mental health condition will have a psychosocial disability, but for people who do, it can be severe, longstanding and impact on their recovery. People with a disability as a result of their mental health condition may qualify for the NDIS.

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How can a Recovery Coach help me?

Our Psychosocial Recovery Coaches will work with you and your family, carers or networks.

We’ll collaborate to design, plan, implement and review a recovery plan and implement your NDIS plan.

The Recovery Coach will provide you with support to increase your:

  • Independence
  • Social participation
  • Economic participation
  • Awareness of your choices and options
  • Informed decision making.

Lady smiling while having a conversation with another person

How does Recovery Coaching work?

Your recovery coach will:

  • Spend time with you, and people important to you, to get to know you and understand your needs.
  • Support you to discover different services and supports, and how these can help you
  • Help you access support from mental health services.
  • Help you better understand the NDIS and support you with the NDIS.

How is a Recovery Coach different?

A Recovery Coach is similar to a Support Coordinator however they have specific mental health qualifications and/or lived experience of mental health and psychosocial disability. A Recovery Coach is trained to focus on the complexities that come with a psychosocial diagnosis.

genU also offers Support Coordination services.


Our Recovery Coaches are guided by the following Recovery Framework Principles to ensure we are responsive to the needs of participants living with a psychosocial disability.

  • Supporting personal recovery
  • Valuing lived experience
  • Supporting NDIS and mental health services working together
  • Supporting informed decision making
  • Being responsive to participants episodic and fluctuating needs
  • Building stronger recovery-orientated & trauma enforced supports.

The focus of the Recovery Framework is to support personal recovery for people living with psychosocial disability. Supporting personal recovery means promoting hope that recovery is possible. It includes supporting a participant to make sense of their experiences and lead a life that has meaning for them.

Source: National Disability Insurance Scheme Psychosocial Disability Recovery-Oriented Framework 2021

Contact us to find out more 

Our Services

NDIS Support Coordination

Our support coordinators will help you to connect to the support that will work for you, ranging from completing referrals, linking you to relevant services, problem-solving, and so much more.

Employment Pathways

Do you need help to become job ready? Wherever you are on your journey we can help you turn your employment goals into a meaningful career.

Individual Support for Disability

We'll give you active one-on-one support for daily life so that you can keep your independence and easily reach your goals in the most comfortable way.