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Do you have a superstar carer who takes care of you? No matter how awesome your carer is, they may need a day off from time to time. Cue genU’s respite care!
Respite gives both you and your carer a well-deserved break. The care includes a whole bunch of different services, including home-based care, day respite programs, residential programs and companionship.
Aged care respite can be given short-term, ongoing or an episodic basis, depending on what you need.

Centre-based Day Respite
If you need somewhere to stay during the day, centre-based respite is here for you. Located in Newtown and Ocean Grove, the centre offers activities to maintain or support independent living and socialising.
It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach by any means! Activities can be tailored to suit your individual interests.
Cottage Respite
For an overnight stay, come to our cottages. Located in Newtown and Ocean Grove, revel in large outdoor gardens with seating and shade. Appropriate security measures are in place for peace of mind.
If you’re staying more than one night, enjoy all the activities we offer in centre-based respite.
Flexible 1:1 Support
Stay in the place you love the most, your home! We’re committed to caring for you any way we can.
Whether you need personal support, personal care, limited medical care, social support, or a combination of all, we’ll bring respite to you.
Group Support
Whether you’re being cared for or doing the caring, you can meet like-minded individuals at the genU support groups. Gain information, give feedback and participate in activities to enhance your wellbeing.
Come along to the monthly meeting in Belmont.
Support for Carers
It’s no secret that caring can take a toll on wellbeing and resilience. If you’re a carer, plenty of support is available for you too. You can chat with an aged care respite coordinator, respite nurse for counselling, support, care coordination and referrals.
Sometimes we run events specifically for you amazing carers, so you can meet other carers out there, or just to have fun! We may be able to help out with caring for your loved one, so you can pursue things you love and take a break – the opportunities are limitless.