Caronlab have used genU’s Business Enterprises for more than 20 years. Caronlab CEO Greg Ure holds a 2018 plaque recognising the partnership: 1 millionth item packed milestone

Archive for September, 2023

A 20-year collaboration is good for business and creating jobs

Through its 20-year partnership with genU Business Enterprises, Caronlab has contributed to the creation of countless Supported Employment opportunities for people with disability.

Janine has Lodge resident’s best interests at heart

Janine’s new role at Oakdale Lodge reflects genU’s commitment to high-quality care and services from familiar faces after uniting with Li-Ve Tasmania.

Laura transitions from school to work with support

After joining genU’s School Leavers Employment Supports, Laura has built her confidence and capacity to work as a Day Surgery Orderly at a local hospital.